Sourcing Products from China
Since buying my mechanical my keyboard parts business a couple years ago I’ve gotten more involved in sourcing items from asia. This post pulls together my notes on a couple different books on the topic. The Import Bible (Manuel Becvar) The

Fixing 23andMe with Words
Here’s a picture of my closet. Nestled between boxes, you will see a 23andMe home DNA test kit. I got it as a gift a few years ago but never sent in my spit. Yesterday, I read that they are

Oprahs of the Right: A Reading Series
Strap on your helmets and hop in my Land Cruiser. We’re going on an anthropological safari through some of the modern right’s most colorful characters. Read this to discover: Why you should never pee in your car while driving (and

Book Notes: Against the Grain
Audio book, Oct 2019. “Did humans domesticate wheat, or did wheat domesticate humans?” This is one of those Joe Rogan-esque questions that has stuck with me after reading it somewhere. So I was happy to find this book which looks

How to Influence Elections with Digital Ads
Planet Money had a recent episode on a team that tried to help the Democratic candidate Doug Jones score his unlikely win in the 2017 Alabama senate special election. I had a bunch of unanswered questions from the podcast episode,