Welcome to the personal website of Will Ward.
Current Ventures:

Industry Arabic
A full service translation agency specializing in the Arabic language.

Hot Club De Swampoodle
A small group DC jazz band playing swing and Gypsy jazz classics of the 1920s-40s
Interests & Obsessions
- Copywriting & Search Engine Optimization: I’m fascinated by how words and stories motivate people to take action and want to understand how search algorithms present information that shapes these decisions. This is related to my nasty habit of launching websites in industries I know nothing about.
- Arabic Language & The Middle East: I speak Arabic (Egyptian dialect for the most part) and Persian (Farsi) and did a masters in Middle Eastern Studies. I’ve travelled extensively in the region (Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Morocco) and lived and worked in Egypt and Libya.
- Blues and Prohibition Era Jazz: I play guitar and tenor banjo. You can find me busking in Eastern Market on warm days in DC with the Capitol Hillbillies.
- Electronics and Programming Tinkering: I love playing with Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and am (slowly) learning the Python programming language.
- Baking with Sourdough: What started as an innocent little recipe turned into an obsession that’s taking over our kitchen space inch by inch.